Level: Novice
4 Sessions: Saturdays 1-2:30 pm October 3, 10, 17 and 24
Remember when you learned to knit? Perhaps it was your mother, or a favorite aunt, or your grandmother who taught you. Imagine thefrustration they may have felt and the patience they channeled! Let Liz take your kids on the journey to a life long love of knitting. This four week class will give them the basics of casting on, knitting, purling and binding off in a fun, creative environment. If your child is between 6 and 10 years old, we would love to teach them to knit! Space is limited to 6 students.
Cost: $50.00plus materials
Fine Print: Class fees are non-refundable unless Yarn. is unable to fill the class. Youare welcome to find a replacement for your spot if you are unable to attend the class. Yarn. requires you to use yarn purchased at the store for the class. Thank you for understandingour policy and not askingus to make an exception for you.