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112 Main St.
Montpelier, VT


We are a small yarn shop in Montpelier Vermont dedicated to customer service.  We cary a wide selection of yarns for all your creative needs. Come visit us and let us help inspire you!  

Needle Felted Maiden and Needle Case with Neysa Russo


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Needle Felted Maiden and Needle Case with Neysa Russo

  • Yarn 112 Main Street Montpelier, VT, 05602 United States (map)

Level:  Novice

Sunday, December 4th         10 am to 2 pm

Cost:  $60.00 includes materials

Needle felt is a simple needling technique that uses barbed needles to decorate a felt surface with design. Whether you have some needle felting experience or not, you will find this class offers many fresh ideas for fun and interesting projects, great for gift giving and just in time for the holidays! 

While Neysa will provide the felting materials, please bring felting needles to the class!

Earlier Event: December 1
Antler Mittens with Margot
Later Event: December 7
Continental Style Knitting with Lee