Level: Total Novice
4 Classes, Saturdays 10 - 12 Jan 14, 21, 28 and Feb 4
Learning to Knit is simple. Remembering what your fingers just did with your yarn is not simple.
This "learn to knit" class uses the principles of "Making it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning"... By Peter Brown. You create "Pretty Girl Necklaces," (great gifts for those gorgeous girls in your life) and then move on to get started on a hat, or scarf, with total confidence!
Cost: $60.00 includes yarn and beads. You will need to purchase needles.
Fine Print: You will pay the instructor the full class fee on the first night of class. We require you to use yarn purchased at our store for all classes. Students receive a 10% discount on all class supplies, while the class is running.