Level: Novice to Experienced felter
1 class - Sunday, September 17 10 am to 2 pm
Participants in this class will choose to make either a peacock or a sheep mug rug. You will learn how to sculpt using felting needles, and also gain insight into the basic principles of wet felting in a way that is simple and accessible. No animals are harmed to create these adorable mug rugs!
The peacock project offers flexibility in color choices and design shapes for the brilliant feathers making the body of this project exciting.
The sheep is simple and adorable. We will needle tiny locks of Blue Faced Leicester wool to cover the head and neck, lending a lot of authenticity to this character.
These projects are divided into two parts. During the first part you will learn to use the barbed felting needles to form the head. A simple poking motion will shape the contours and special features, sculpting them into a three-dimensional shape. The second part of each project will walk you through the creation of the body, which will lie flat and be wide enough to accommodate a mug. Using the felting needle, the body is decorated and wet felted for durability.
Both the beginner and experienced needle felter will have fun making one of these simple projects!
Cost: $65.00 includes cost of materials.