5 Classes, Thursdays 2/8, 2/15, 3/1, 3/8 and 3/15 from 6 pm to 8 pm
Learn how to knit all over again! Plotulopi is an unspun pencil roving yarn, and is like nothing you have ever knit before! Perfect for lofty warm garments without a lot of bulk, it's a good choice for traditional scandanavian and icelandic stitch patterns. In this class, we will explore knitting with a very light touch, learn to read colorwork charts, traditional yoked sweater construction, and because it's the twentyteens, we'll throw in some short rows for fit and shaping around the neckline.
Necessary skills: Working in the round on double pointed needles or your preferred method of small circumference knitting in the round, knitting, purling, and committing to knitting every night to keep up with the class and finish the cardigan over the 6 week class period (note: there are 5 classes with a skip week).
Cost: $65.00 plus materials
Materials: Download the pattern "Glaswegian" by Amy Christoffers from Knitty.com, 4 colors of Plotulopi, Size 4, 5, 6 or 7 32" circulars and double pointed needles, or size needed to get a guage of 21 stitches per 4", stitch holders or waste yarn, marker tape or supplies you typically use to keep track of your place on a chart.
A note about needle size: I needed to go down to US 4 and 5 needles to get the proper gauge because I found I needed to knit much more loosely than usual while getting accustomed to this unusual yarn. I suggest you bring a variety of needle sizes to the first class, which will be dedicated to swatching and learning the properties of this yarn.