We are yarn bombing downtown Montpelier to dress up the city for the Green Mountain Film Festival. The Festival will be screening the moving "Yarn", and our little shop is the Community Partner. We are thrilled to also be partnering with the Festival in this exciting Yarn Bombing to draw attention to the festival, and to the movie!
The next meetup for the GMFF yarnbombing project will be Monday, February 20, from 5-8 pm. We will meet at Yarn (112 Main St in Montpelier).
Bring any yarn you'd be willing to donate, whatever needles or crochet hooks you'd like to use (probably sizes 7-13, depending on what size yarn you prefer to work with), and your best ideas on installation locations around town, themes, and inspiration. No matter what your experience or skill level, you will be able to contribute to this project, and your help will be greatly appreciated!