Welcome to Yarn. Located in beautiful historic Waterbury, VT, Yarn is a full service destination yarn boutique full of gorgeous yarns and lots of inspiration. Our knowledgeable staff will work hard to help you make next project come to fruition.
WE are here for all your yarn needs.
And, we are especially for you if:
- You love Social Knitting and want to be part of our community! Come hang out with us while you work on your project!
- You always seem to run into that problem that has you put your project down, sigh, and hope you'll figure it out later… which usually means that project never gets finished. Come on in with any question and we will walk you through where you got stuck, during any store hours!
- You have always been drawn to color and soft texture. But you think "this is hard." Well, we are here to help you learn. Whether you're ready to learn to knit or crochet, or you have other creative projects in mind, we have the yarn for you!
- You've been making the same hats, scarves and socks for years and you are ready to explore a whole new world of yarns and patterns!
- You are a textile artist who relies on beautiful yarn every day to stay inspired, keep creating and keep your business running strong.
Why I love Yarn.:
Alluring, yummy
The turn of needle pattern
Fireworks for my heart.
~ Margery, Stowe VT